Sunday, March 23, 2008

to theme or not to theme

Hi folks, I'm itching to get started, my pencils are poised ready to embark on this exciting new project, just waiting for my Moley to arrive. I was wondering whether anyone has thought about setting a theme for their book? It occurred to me last night - you know, late at night, when your creativity refuses to let you sleep - that one of the other MoleyX groups had done this. Each member of the group had set their own individual theme. Some of those themes included travel, carnival, people in your neighbourhood. Just wondering if you had any thoughts on this?

BTW, it was MoleyX group 4 that I was referring to. You'll have to scroll down the page to read about their themes. Cheers!


Anita Davies said...

Is this still open to join?

Gabriel Campanario said...

hi Anita, i think we're already set with 6 of us, sorry! but there are some other groups that don't have enough people, i'm sure they'd love to have you or you can email Marty and start your own. see you around moleyX!

Joyce Huang said...

wow wow wow~
this group is fantastic! glad to see these you`ve done, looking forward new updates!

occam`s razor

Kathrin said...

Ah, I can really see how your pencils shuffle their feet. And did you find a topic for your moly?

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Yep, Kathrin - my topic is GREEN. I am absolutely loving your Moleskine entries. The pages on German life were brilliant. And, I'm glad to now we, in the UK, are not the only fatties in Europe! Te he.

Cheers folks.